Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I'm really not good at this whole college thing. I have seven papers due within the next two weeks. I'm almost freaking out. I'll eventually get through all of them, I'm sure. It's really just the fact that I haven't been doing the papers little by little to at least lighten the load. I promised myself that I'll start doing that tonight. It's just really hard sometiems to make myself even remember to do homework at all. I write everything down in a planner but hardly look at it when I leave school. That defeats the purpose, of course, but I let myself get so overwhelmed with my social life that I don't think about school when I'm not actually in class. That's the worst part, though. The fact that I have so much HOMEwork but I'm never HOME to do it.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

This Morning

Today I woke up at a friend's house feeling a bit sick. I was sluggish and he wasn't feeling too hot either. Before we'd gotten here, I asked him to drink a lot of orange juice to make sure his stomack was alright. Apparently that wasn't a good request. Once we arrived at school, he stopped to throw up between every few cars that we passed on the way inside. It was horrible. He's feeling better now but this morning was pretty brutal.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


I love when our class does presentations, especially on a subject that you are supposed to give an opinion on what they've read. It is always interesting to me to find out how others percieve a topic. We've been sitting here discussing the same topic for an hour. New points and opinions keep coming into play and everyone seems to have something to say. It's one of our best class discussions. I also enjoy the debating that comes with their opinions. Debating over interesting topics is one of my favorite things to do in class.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ready for the Weekend

I think I'm going to the fair tonight. I'm really, really excited. I plan on going with a huge group of friends but with all of our money situations, the probability of us going together is slim. Even if I went all by myself, I'd have an awesome time. Friday, my friends and I are going to a party. My buddy Caleb is leaving to be a Marine so we're having a little going-away celebration for him. It will be a sad night but we'l find a way to have fun for the last time. He'll only be gone for 3 months but it will feel a lot longer without him around. I will be in Atlanta on Saturday. I'm going to visit my dad again. I love going up there. I'm taking my boyfriend with me so we can all hang out. I suppose Sunday will just be a sleep in day. I'm so ready for this weekend.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I can't wait for Thursday to get here. The fair is finally in town and it's armband night. That means ANY ride as many times as you want. I'm so excited! October is my favorite month. The weather takes a turn for the better, the fair comes to town, and Halloween! I need to go costume shopping. I haven't missed a Halloween yet. The atmosphere of October puts me in an awesome mood. I'm just going to be extremely happy this entire month. I'm in such a good mood!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


It's about time we actually have class. We didn't have it all last week so there's no telling how far behind we are. I expect that we'll be doing presentations all day. That's fine with me. I haven't presented mine yet. I was supposed to present like two weeks ago. Now that we're so behind I have no clue when I'll be presenting. Hopefully everything is alright with Mrs. Aiken. I'd hate to know that she missed class because of something bad happening. She seems to be okay though.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

No class?

Today I woke up a bit late. This caused me to be in a huge rush to shower and get to class on time. However, when I arrived, I was told by several classmates that there was no class today. I was confused and curious about what the urgent cancellation was all about. Several people kept saying something about a "tragedy." That really concerned me. I really hope everyone is alright. I hate that Mrs. Aiken was somehow involved. She is one of my favorite teachers and if something were to happen to her we would all be really upset. I hope to see her Thursday in class and at least make sure that everything is okay.